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  • Emily King

Change Realities With Augmented Reality Marketing

Updated: Apr 23

Change Realities With Augmented Reality Marketing

Advancing technologies can make it seem impossible for companies to stay current on the latest trends. Implementing augmented reality marketing just made it a little easier. Marketing is and always will be driven by consumer needs. As those needs evolve, marketing methods must evolve as well.

The most up-and-coming digital marketing application is augmented reality, which has already been applied to many different businesses. With Meta leading the charge, augmented marketing is making its way into our homes and daily lives.

What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality, also referred to as AR, is essentially a digitally enhanced version of the real world around us through the use of visual aids, sound, or other senses by technology. This trend has been growing for several years and shows promise of continuing to do so.

What Does AR Have To Do With Marketing?

Augmented reality marketing allows brands to provide customers an incredibly unique experience by simply using their phones. Since mobile marketing has become significant in brand interaction, it makes sense to have this tool at consumers' fingertips.

Why Has Digital Marketing Gone To AR?

By now, you’re probably wondering why digital marketing is undergoing a shift to augmented reality. Here are the top five reasons marketing companies are shifting to AR platforms.

Customers Can Try Before They Buy

People always want to test a product before they purchase one. Walk into any store, whether it be a Sephora, Walmart, Bass Pro, or Honda, and samples/testers are available.

For this reason, AR shopping has become a rising trend, especially considering the recent pandemic. Through augmented reality, potential customers are able to try products in a more hygienic fashion.

Touring And Assistance

AR allows for companies that might otherwise miss out on demographics to reach those customers as well. It also allows businesses to add a digital touch to their physical products and locations.

By scanning the object in question, customers can experience AR information about the product or another brand-related experience. This can apply to multiple industries and markets such as StubHub, Starbucks, and Hyundai.

Branding Materials

Companies are now virtually offering branding materials, such as business cards and brochures. Users scan printed material with their phones and then have access to many features, allowing them to contact the brand in question. AR enhancements such as this mean creators can add dynamic elements directly into the text, creating more engagement.

Creating A Buzz

Augmented reality is often used as a method of indirect sales and marketing to enhance the public interest. If done well, this can increase the brand's status. Good design can cause chatter and lasting memories among people using AR technology. Establishing a good relationship with consumers can result in long-lasting benefits. Companies such as Pepsi and Uber have employed such programs with great results.

Leverage Augmented Reality For B2B

AR has the potential to change B2B (business-to-business) experiences. Customer expectations and vendors' limitations regarding what they can provide are always a topic of issue. With the advancement of augmented reality, large improvements can be made in the sales process.

One area where help is needed most is in dynamic sales presentation materials. Traditional methods included brochures, flyers, and PowerPoint presentations; now digital devices allow for customized AR 360-degree presentations of product lines.

These tools allow customers to see and interact with the product offered. Greater access means a greater chance of purchases. Other benefits of AR include customization, active customer participation, and better post-sales support.

Augmented reality has the potential to be used for so much more than just gaming. It has real-world applications that can change how we see things around us. By utilizing AR technology, businesses have the opportunity to reach customers in new and exciting ways.


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