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  • Emily King

Video Content: What & Why?

Video editing for social media platforms

Video content is a format referring to content using video in any aspect. We see it in vlogs, live streams, GIFs, webinars, and many other ways. Though frequently overlooked by the common marketer, video content is both a useful and creative method to keep in mind.

By now, you’re probably wondering why it is we’re talking about video content creation. This kind of content has significantly increased demand across social media marketing over the past few years.

A possible contributing factor is the popularity of streaming services over live TV; another may be because of the jump in the amount of time people are spending on video platforms through social media like YouTube.

As a result, digital marketers are jumping on this trend. Since 2019 alone, there has been an increase of over 90% in video content used by marketers. Of course, the first step to this method is figuring out where the best place for your content is.

For longer videos, YouTube or Vimeo may be appropriate. But for shorter content, Instagram/IGTV, Snapchat, or TikTok would be best. What works well on one platform may bomb on the other, so take your time, do your research, and pick the best option for the video you’ve created.

Things to Consider

It’s vital to take into consideration where it is your audience can be found. Focus on platforms that your target audience utilizes most. Also, consider the amount of competition you may be facing there. Of course, triple-check that you and your team have done your best to create something that will blow them out of the water!

To do so, focus much of your attention on the pre-production stage. Planning your video is CRUCIAL to the best possible content creation. A script might be useful if you know exactly what needs to be said. Transitions and graphics may also be beneficial for an eye-catching factor.

If you want your video to appear more natural and free-flowing, we recommend keeping a small list of bullet points. That way, you’ll remember what needs to be addressed while still keeping it fresh. Make sure to have the space you need set up before its time to shoot as well (i.e., lighting, noise, and reverb checks).

Final Steps

Needless to say, editing plays a large role in the success of video content. Move beyond color correction and sound enhancement in this step. Make sure that you’ve got the most engagement possible out of it. Whether that means adding a link to a testimonial page or encouraging likes and comments on IGTV, make sure it’s available.

A few key things to keep in mind during this stage are the usage of graphics, keeping things moving (never stall on one thing for too long), having a clear call to action, and even though your video is a sales tactic, try not to make it feel that way.

Finally, optimize, optimize, optimize! Your SEO, that is. To increase the odds of the right people stumbling across your video content, use popular keywords, optimize your title (mention the most important keyword), and use those same keywords in your tags/descriptions. This step won’t just help your video on that platform but also Google searches.

Last but not least, don’t forget to repost. Even if your video isn’t set up for IGTV or Twitter, you can advertise for it there. Create a post with teasers of your video, such as, “How do I get more attention for my TikToks? I can help answer that question. Check out my video where I do just that at:.....” By doing so, you’re technically reposting without actually having done so.

If you’re planning on creating your own video content soon and need some help figuring out where to begin, we hope these tips were helpful! Let us know in the comments how they have worked out for you.

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